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 The goals of - M E D I S P O R T non profit organization - are :

  1. to collect, study and consider all medical, sport, biological, social and juridical information regarding the sports medecine, physical therapy nutrition and dietetics ;
  2. to promote and facilitate the contacts between physicians, physical therapists, dieteticians or other health practionars and sisters associations whom have the same goals as Medisport ;
  3. to promote and falicitate the scientific research as well as the bibliography in the sport's medical field, physical therapy, nutrition and dietetics ;
  4. to look up the internet sites concerning sports medecine, physical therapy, nutrition and dietetics ;
  5. to diffuse the information concerning the health promotion. On one hand to the physicians, physical therapists, nutritionists, dieteticians or others health practionars and on the other hand to the public.
    If you have same preoccupations, if you want to help Medisport or if you want to share informations : do not hesitate - contact us - !
      Web site responsible : Philippe Reumont
MEDISPORT / Partners / Lactose intolerance /Reviews / Articles / Publications / Books / Ressources / Services / Newsletters / Favorites / Links / Friends / Home Page


  M E D I S P O R T non profit organization